Nadia Palacio has just a few weeks to turn her canceled wedding into the doble quince (30th birthday party) of her dreams. She just needs to get her family and Marco Hawkins,her former college fling and venue owner, on board.
First of all, I think the idea of turning a 30th birthday into a milestone celebration is a thing we should all start doing. We should 100% be celebrating someone who has finished the first decade of adulthood. I feel like 30 is made to be all about the end of your 20s. I missed out on a double sweet sixteen so I’ll have to wait for a triple sweet sixteen 🥳!
As for the book? Well, I think this book needed to bake in the oven a little bit longer.
The story opens with Nadia calling off her wedding. Her ex is far from perfect but I don’t think we get a full explanation for their break up. She sort of brushes off a 13-year relationship pretty quick. I also felt like there were way to many contrived plot threads connecting Nadia and Marco. Marco being the venue owner should have been enough of a meet-cute, but then we learn they had a college fling and then we learn that Nadia’s law firm is working with Macro’s uncle to steal the family business. This last plot thread quickly disappears.
This book has dual POV and I don’t think we really needed Marco’s POV. I feel like it was added to make this book lean more toward romance but, to me, this books falls more in line with romantic elements. The parts with Nadia planning a party with her international fun-loving family really took center stage.
This book has a pretty unique setting, Marco and Nadia belong to the Hispanic community in Utah (She’s Argentian-America, he’s Uruguayan-American). Marco is from a Mormon family and I don’t think I’ve read a romance with a Mormon MCs.
This is Yamile Saied Mendez’s adult debut. Her YA boook Furia made a splash when it debuted and reading this has me wanting to add it to my TBR.