It’s that time of year where we crunch the numbers from the books we’ve reviewed on this blog in 2019. We keep track using a review tracking spreadsheet in Google Sheets and turn it into an infographic on Canva. This isn’t indicative of all our reading because theYA / Adult blog has its own stats and there are books we’ve read that haven’t been reviewed.
Publisher Breakdown
37% Indie/Self Pub*
26% Harper Collins
17% Penguin Random House
9% Simon & Schuster
4% Sourcebooks
2% Hachette
2% Kensington
2% Macmillan
*indie/self-pub incluces Zach Prown and Prosaic Press
Imprint Breakdown
17% Avon
15% Berkley
4% Carina
4% Gallery
4% Casablanca
2% Amistad
2% Atria
2% Voyager
2% Jove
2% Forever
2% Crimson
2% Dafina
Retailer Breakdown
19.5% Kindle Unlimited
17.3% For promotional purposes
13% Scribd
6.5% Fountain Bookstore
4% Public Library
2% Barnes & Noble (
32% Romance Novels Feature Two POCs
Everything about these numbers feels pretty accurate to our 2019 reviewing. In 2018 I was in the Avon Addicts program and it skewed the 2018 number of print books and historicals higher. I also think it is interesting that a large chunk of our books were self-published. I don’t think I could have predicted that when I started this blog, but self-pub authors are doing so many interesting things.
We don’t set out to read a certain quota of diverse books but I’m glad we have so many more books with POC heroes and heroines. The LGBQA number went up by 5% but I’d like to focus on adding in more #ownvoices. – K. E Hamilton