Heart of Iron by Bec McMaster Heart of Iron explores the fledgling attraction between Lena, a young socialite and Will, a Verwulfen living in the shadows. This book felt like a filler story. Lena is a bright young debutante secretly working for the revolutionaries who want to overthrow the Vampire elite. Lena’s situation gets complicatedRead the Post
The Lord I Left By Scarlett Peckham
I feel like at one point last year Scarlett Peckham’s Charlotte Street series was EVERYWHERE and being billed as a subversive historical romance series. I mean just look at the covers. They trade in the usually bright, colorful, swirling dresses for a more detailed desaturated look. If Scarlett Peckham is the next evolution of historicalRead the Post
Virgin Territory by Lia Riley (Hellion Angels #3)
Rating: ★★★ +.5 | 149 pages | Avon Impulse | Contemporary Romance | 03/06/18 I’m a sucker for the virgin hero trope, it’s a rare one and I really like it in M/F romance because it subverts the typical gender expectations. After getting into a bar fight with a scummy lawyer, hot-headed pro hockey goalieRead the Post