Rating: ★★★ | 02/01/2016 | Contemporary Romance | 256 Pages | Harlequin Dr. Meera Malhort is spending a medical rotation at a rural American clinic to see how the real people live. You know, without insurance and all. She ends up in the small town of Hell’s Bell where she finds board at Jake Taylor’s cattle ranch.Read the Post
Public Affair, Secretly Expecting Audiobook
Public Affair, Secret Expecting I imagine I’m going to DNF a lot of these Presents category romances. I recently went through the stack I had from a library sale and found a few that were on Scribd audio!NGL, the audio performance for this book was really off. The voice the narrator does for the heroineRead the Post
Vengeance In Death by J.D Robb (In Death #6)
Disclaimer : this was the In Death book that I will now hold all other In Death books to. This book would have totally been a five start rating for me, except one point during the very very end when a character describes an off-page character as –Oriental. It just took me out the story. IRead the Post
Branded by Tori Carrington
Honestly, I’m not sure how to review series romances because of how. . . trope specific they can be. I’ve read and book buffeted a few , most of which were Presents that I heavily side-eyed. So that was my litmus test with this. How much side-eyeing could be done ? What I found isRead the Post