I randomly picked Steadfast off my bookshelf and was instantly pulled into the True North series. This series takes place in Vermont and centers around Shipley Farms–an organic apple orchard. Each book features hardworking characters as they build relationships, make sacrifices, and pursue their dreams. One of the things I love about this series isRead the Post
Fumbled and Blitzed by Alexa Martin (The Playbook #2 and #3)
I’ve been all about series this year and closed out 2019 by finishing up Alexa Martin’s Playbook series. While all three books exist in the same world, Fumbled and Blitzed read like companion books and both take place several years after the events of Intercepted. In Fumbled our heroine is 27-year-old Poppy Patterson, a single motherRead the Post
Public Affair, Secretly Expecting Audiobook
Public Affair, Secret Expecting I imagine I’m going to DNF a lot of these Presents category romances. I recently went through the stack I had from a library sale and found a few that were on Scribd audio!NGL, the audio performance for this book was really off. The voice the narrator does for the heroineRead the Post
Enchanting Christmas by Beth Ciotta
This book showed up for .99 cents in my EreaderIQ alerts and since I was looking for a holiday romance I snapped it up. At first I couldn’t even remember why I had a price drop alert for Beth Ciotta, but I looked into it and I guess her Cupcake Lovers series was mentioned during NPR’s Pop Culture Happy Hour romance special, butRead the Post