I’ve been pretty good about my e-book buying, but at the end of 2019/ start of 2020 there were just too many good sales to pass up ! If you want to catch all the best romance deals I highly recommend followingThe Book Queen’s Twitter account. A Duke A Dozen by Shana Galen Galen isRead the Post
Romance Shelfie #4
Welcome to the post where we share which books we grabbed on sale this week ! This week Harlequin is having a big sale with 18,000 + series romances priced at 1.99. I had a few authors and titles on my TBR list so here is what I picked up. A Night Of Scandal by Sarah Morgan I’veRead the Post
Romance Shelfie #2
Welcome to the post where I share what’s new (and cheap!) on my e-reader this week ! I got 5.00 in the Amazon settlement which meant it was ebook shopping time ! Strong Signal by Megan Erickson and Santino Hassell I’ve always felt conflicted reading M/M because of how much of it is written byRead the Post
Romance Shelfie #1
Welcome to the post where I share what’s new (and cheap!) on my e-reader this week The Way You Look Tonight by Bella Andre I picked this up because it wasfree on Amazon.I haven’t dived into the Sullivan series yet, but I’ve heard good things plus I love books about large families. While this isRead the Post